Lately I've decided that Hapkido Online is getting to the stage where I really want to begin to advertise it nationally. We've been beta testing and uploading content for nearly three years now and it's proven solid, stable, and effective. It's received acclaim from within the martial arts community which is huge because peer review was something I insisted on right away.
After much consideration and talking with various people I came to believe that perhaps The Glen Beck Radio Program would be the best place to go. Glen Beck speaks about politics and faith and is widely listened to across the country. His ideas and my ideas are similar in many respects. It's a very popular program and thus, expensive for someone like me to advertise with. But I suspect the folks that enjoy the Glen Beck Program are the kinds of people that might find a web based Christian Hapkido learning system appealing. Glen Beck people are strong, independent, and hard workers. They are taxpayers and business owners. In short my kind of folks. However after calling his advertising people at The Blaze I began to realize just how much even the smallest of spots would cost and it was frankly out of reach. I've been saving money all summer long. Stephanie with The Blaze suggested that I should sponsor in ad form the The Blaze newsletter which is read by several (and I mean several) hundred thousand people. It was still very expensive but just within reach of the money I had saved. Also all summer long I've been saying, we really need a new riding lawnmower. Every time we went to the hardware store I sighed and said we need a new riding lawnmower. As fall progresses the riding mowers go on sale and one or two also became within reach. So do I advertise or get the mower??? I prayed about it. The feeling I felt from God was: "Why are you even asking you know what to do, follow your mission." It seemed pretty clear cut. So last Friday I pulled the trigger and sent The Blaze my hard earned money and an advert that I thought would be effective. After work I drove home. Guess what was sitting in my driveway??? Our neighbor gave us his riding lawnmower because another neighbor gave him a brand new one! If that isn't confirmation from the Lord, I don't know what is! So everybody pray for a big success for Hapkido Online and our mission to bring Hapkido and the Light and Truth of the Lord to world. Today I filmed some elbow and knee strikes and then filmed some bear hug defenses with Mr. Robert Logan my faithful student. Those are uploaded as of now. Enjoy!
I added a tech support page with tutorials and contact information for folks who are struggling with the computer and Hapkido Online. We don't get too many tech support issues normally. In the four years I've been building Hapkido Online I think I've had maybe three. But if you should have trouble I've made it as easy as possible to sort it out. Filmed, edited, and uploaded two more red belt techniques. The Push Pull and the Hamstring Push.
Both of these video's are special in that I've added a wide angle lens so that you can see from head to toe on both tori and uke in sharp detail. Wish I had picked up one of these lenses sooner! Special thanks to my friend CAPT Brad Bennett PhD who not only let me painfully push him into the mat repeatedly but took the time to teach me some new things about anatomy as this is his professional specialty. Congrats to young Mr. JP Webber on earning your Yellow Belt. First, congratulations to my good friend and student Robert Logan on earning his Green Belt today. This is a major milestone for Robert because he was nearly ready for this test almost nine months ago and had to undergo a very intensive series of surgeries for his shoulder from an old injury that had come back to haunt him. Post op he then had long and painful hours of rehabilitation for several months. Happy to say he has never wavered on his dream of learning Hapkido. Robert persevered through the pain and effort and finally made it back to class. He returned to us wiser and better because he couldn't just muscle through the moves, he had to rely on finesse now and it ultimately made Robert a better Hapkidoin. He is a mighty Christian and brings soul, song, and philosophy to every practice. After his test today we took some time and re-filmed the remaining full nelson defenses for Red Belt. Big fun! That content has been edited and uploaded as of this evening. |
Jon FergusonTeacher and Hapkido Online Developer. Archives
April 2022